Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ramadhan - A Time for Change

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:
“When there comes the month of Ramadhan, the gates of mercy are opened, and the gates of Hell are locked and the devils are chained”
(Sahih Muslim, Book #006, Hadith #2361)

With the devils amongst the unseen being chained and locked up, all external disturbances are pacified, all excuses deemed futile - and the only thing that stands between you and “a better you” is : YOU!

And with the gates of Allah’s rahmah (mercy) being opened, He makes it easier for us to receive His tawfeeq - provided we put in the effort.

So the important question we want to ask ourselves is: what RESOLUTIONS have we set for ourselves this Ramadhan?

What tangible targets have we set in sincere hopes of a permanent step towards a better “me”? What goals have we set to earn the pleasure of Allah?

What hujjah (evidence) are we going to consciously build upon in our Book Deeds that we hope we can use as a ‘selling point’ to Allah on the Day of Judgment to propel us forward in hopes of His mercy?
Just like we prepare bullet points for our company annual appraisal, have we prepared and worked towards our personal bullet points for the appraisal of our life?

Perhaps your goals could consist of one, or more of the following?
- Praying in congregation @ masjid every day for all 5 daily prayers? Or at least start with the most important 2 - Isha and Subuh/Fajr?
- Quit smoking, realizing that your body & lungs are also an amanah from Allah & be thankful for those great gifts?
- Abandon gossipping, backbiting, slandering so we don’t lay our good deeds to waste?
- Helping your brothers and sisters in need? In cash and kind!
- Tying our ties of kinship with friends/family?
- Consistently praying more nafl (extra superogatory prayers) - especially Qiamul-layll (night prayers)?
- Filling up our free time - especially while commuting to work - with Qur’an and/or dzikir, instead of the tabloids/newspapers?
- Reminding our family members to acts of good and/or to quit evil deeds?
- … (insert your resolution here)

No, we are not just talking about once-off deeds that we abandon as soon as the clock ticks Shawwal - we are talking about sustainable deeds that will stick with us to carry us that extra step ahead towards Jannah.
As the scholars have pointed out, one of the signs that our deeds in Ramadhan were accepted are that there is a continuous positive change in ourselves.

Know, dear brother, dear sister, that every bit of effort you do for His sake, will never go to waste

“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.”
(Surah Al-Kahf: 30)

And if you are amongst the mistaken people who “wait until the hidayah of Allah shines upon my heart” - here’s the reality check: it’s not going to happen, because

“Verily, Allah will not change the state of the people until they change what is in themselves” (Ar-Ra’d 13:11)

So, set your targets, have conviction upon it, and ready yourselves as we race towards the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah this Ramadhan and beyond. See you at the top - insha Allah!

And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the righteous
(Surah Al-‘Imran 3:133)

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