Thursday, September 12, 2013

How vulnerable we are..

The local events in the past few days have demonstrated to us how vulnerable we as human beings really are when Allah tests us with two simple commodities - water and oil.
Water, when supply was interrupted for a great deal of inhabitants in the Klang Valley, and Oil, when the petrol subsidy was reduced by 20 cents.
Ponder upon the following:
1. The reason for water shortage in the first place was BECAUSE of oil spillage. It is as if Allah is teaching us a lesson that : these are two great blessings, and when you don't manage them responsibly and properly, disasters can happen.
How well are we managing the other blessings of Allah? Our wealth? Our families? Our good health? Our free time?
2. A small misconduct (oil spill) can have a snowball effect result in huge difficulty to many others - Don't consider our sins as insignificant, especially when it affects others.
3. How much some react over the price increase of a basic commodity, when in fact we spend so much more on unncessary things and luxuries we don't need.
4. Allah didn't even take these blessings away from us completely - some additional difficulty. What kind of response do we witness around us?
Do we remember the great trials of the Dajjal towards the End of time, as narrated by the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam)? When there will be no food and water, and he will roam the earth with those supplies, claiming to be god? When a person will go to sleep as a believer, but wake up as a disbeliever?
What we are facing isn't half - or one tenth - as difficult as those trials, and this is the disgrunted response we have; some even going to the extent of cursing fellow Muslims..?
May Allah make us amongst the patient.. and amongst those who utilize His blessings with Thankfulness and Moderation.
اِنَّ فِيْ ذٰلِكَ لَاٰيٰتٍ لِّكُلِّ صَبَّارٍ شَكُوْرٍ
"Verily, in this there are indeed signs for those who are steadfast (patient) and grateful"
(Surah Saba' 34:19)

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