Saturday, October 04, 2014

Causes which most people enter Paradise, and causes which most people enter Hellfire

The Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)  was asked, what are the deeds are the greatest cause for people to enter Paradise. He said,
“تَقْوَى اللَّهِ وَحُسْنُ الْخُلُقِ”
“Taqwa (consciousness/fear/love) of Allah and good character”

He was then asked, which deeds are the greatest cause for people to enter into Hellfire. He answered,
“الْفَمُ وَالْفَرْجُ”
“The mouth and the private parts”

(Narrated by At-Tirmidzi, graded sahih)

A beautiful narration to emphasize the importance of good character. Sometimes we get so caught up in the rituals that we forget “the big picture” - that the whole objective of the ritual deeds are in fact to perfect good character.
The true product of Taqwa (righteousness, from consciousness/fear/love of Allah) is made visible through good character.

And if you contrast this to the greatest cause of people to enter Hell – their mouths – through their foul speech, backbiting, gossiping, swearing, making fun of, insulting and scorning upon others – it’s easy to just have a ‘slip of the tongue’ and absorb ourselves in these conversations - in our water cooler talks, in our political discussions, in our whatsapp conversations... la hawla wala quwata illa billah.

The Messenger mentioned “private parts”; this doesn’t just cover the act of zina (adultery/fornication) itself, it covers all the deeds people do as a result of their desires. People do the ugliest and the worst of things when they act upon their desires – what they see, what they download, what they search, what they say to others of the opposite gender, what elaborate schemes they have : sometimes destroying families and consuming their morality.
Allah created all human beings with desire, and it is from our taqwa and the strength of character that we suppress it and only channel to the ways in which is Halal and Pleasing to Allah.

May Allah make us amongst those with taqwa and of good character, and may He protect us from the evil we commit from our tongue, and from our desires. Amin.

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