Saturday, October 03, 2020

Reaching Out to Those in Difficulty

In these brutal days of the pandemic, many people are going through immense challenges in their lives. Many people I personally know of have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet.

What I suggest we should be doing right now is to reach out to them and check in on them.

I mean, how do often to we call people just to have a chat and catch up with them? It’s so sad that these days, despite massive friends on virtual circles and social media platforms, our relationships have been so superficial and utilitarian in nature, that whenever I proactively greet someone and ask them how they are, they will instinctively ask, “how can I help you?” Almost as if they are implying that, the only reason they are contacted is because someone wants something from them!

When I invite them for lunch, they get suspicious. If I invite them out to coffee, even worse. “Okay, so did this guy get into some sales or MLM thingy?”

But here’s the thing: when I say I just want to check in and just have a conversation on how they are, they are almost always pleasantly surprised.

When I know a colleague is about to lose their job / leave the organization, I will proactively reach out to them and have a conversation with them. It can make a whole world of difference and elevate their mood.

But here’s the thing I learnt: we need to set the tone of the discussion to be that one of optimism, not false hope.
Don’t say things such as, “don’t worry, you will find a better job after this insha Allah”. False hope or expectations can lead to disappointment, which can eventually spiral into depression, if not put into check. Sure, we might make them feel good in the moment, we might even feel like hero of the day. But in the long run it could cause more harm than good.

As counter-intuitive as it sounds, we can acknowledge how difficult the situation is. “Yeah.. life is tough. This is the reality – none of us are indispensable. Even I don’t have job security!”

What this enables us to do is accept the reality and move forward from there. Let’s work for a solution. Now we can steer the conversation to an exciting world of opportunity and possibility.

What I try to do, I will give some advice and suggestions on the practical options that I know of – online courses to learn new skills or diversify our income sources, additional certifications we can obtain to “boost” our marketability, communities that can aid them, or awesome religious classes they can attend and elevate their lives, now that they have more free time.

If you do this well enough, it can be a powerful self-empowering method for the person to have the courage and motivation to take one step forward. And sometimes that step can change their lives!

What if you yourself are suffering? Sure, why not! Take the high road to initiate and practice generosity. Use this desperate situation to connect with them at an even deeper level, and work together as a team towards a common cause. Pain shared is pain halved, not doubled! And when you reach out, it's almost guaranteed that the kindness will be reciprocated and have a positive snowball effect.

So my friends, if you know of those who are struggling, have lost (or about to lose) their job, pick up the phone and call. Sometimes that alone – even without any offer of help – it can make a whole world of a difference.
Let’s take this opportunity to be people of compassion and naseehah, who care of the welfare of others. The Prophet ﷺ said:
الرَّاحِمُونَ يَرْحَمُهُمُ الرَّحْمَنُ ارْحَمُوا أَهْلَ الأَرْضِ يَرْحَمْكُمْ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاءِ
"Those who are Merciful and Compassionate: Ar-Rahman (The Most Compassionate One) will have mercy on them.
Show compassion to the inhabitants of the earth, He Who is in the heaven will show compassion to you." (Abu Daud)


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