Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Freeletics Level 100 ✨🎖️💪🏼


Alhamdulillah, recently achieved Level 100 in the bodyweight app, Freeletics. So, this is what online gamers must feel when they reached their character’s level cap 😂

Boy what a journey it has been, masha Allah. I have been using Freeletics since 2017: Back then, I was 90+kg with a BMI of 34, which was unflatteringly categorized as “obese” bordering on “very obese”. I could barely do five pushups. 

A handstand pushup? Pistol squat? No way. A pull-up seemed “impossible”. I was convinced that I had “poor metabolism”.

But since Freeletics offered tailor-made workouts based on our current levels of fitness, using purely bodyweight workouts, most of which don’t require any equipment (and hence no excuses), I thought, okay, let’s give it a shot. I decided to put in the work, without making a big fuss out of it or expecting much at all. I felt I was just an impostor “trying out” these workouts. 

After putting in the work consistently on average of 4 times a week – even in Ramadhan – alhamdulillah, the results slowly came in, and now I am part of the “normal” fraternity of the BMI club, and the pullup is my favorite exercise. 

So, reflecting back, I realized: Oh, bro…“poor metabolism” was just an excuse. A manifestation of lack of knowledge, effort and consistency. 

Big changes begin with small, consistent habits. All it takes is the willpower to fight through the excuses, persevere through the mundane/boring, endure through the discomfort, trust in the process, and don’t get complacent. 

Apps like Freeletics essentially helps instill habits by allowing us to take away the stress of “figuring out what to do”, takes away the excuses of “no equipment/no gym” or “CMCO what to do bro?”. And by having a tailor made routine to suit your level of fitness (whether beginner or advanced), it also removes the excuse of being “too difficult”. If you don’t do it, it’s all on you. 

The only excuse left is “I don’t have time”. And in the words of Tim Ferriss, if you “don’t have time”, you don’t have “priorities”. 

If it’s important, you’ll find a way. If it’s not important, you’ll find an excuse. 

Have a great, healthy, productive, safe weekend!


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