Friday, July 07, 2023

Strategizing the Human element in innovation & change


Upstream Energy Efficiency Management Workshop - Double Tree, KL (5-6 July 2023)

As we set higher aspirations to move our organizations towards innovation, progress, and change, especially towards ambitious goals such as Digitalization and Sustainability targets such as the Net Zero Carbon Emmissions (NZCE) by 2050, I feel that the most important - and often overlooked - strategy, is the human element.

Throughout attending various conferences, discussions, and reading up the subject matter, I started seeing some common patterns, and this is what I’ve learnt so far. Here are 9 perspectives of how we can strategies the human element towards steering change:

1. Understand and Empathize the Resistance to Change - it’s natural. People will always fear the unknown and have a tendency to stick to what’s familiar: Even if the familiar isn’t particularly good, or the alternative proposal is objectively better.

2. Key: Building Trust - Don’t just bark orders and expect an overnight revolution. Take the time to listen, understand their pain points, and let your actions demonstrate respect & care. Trust will make people go the extra mile.

3. Tailoring your Communication - Adjust your language & style to meet the audience. Technicians relate better when things are simple. Management loves facts and figures. Engineers want to understand "why" & "how". Tapping of wisdom from Ali bin Abi Talib: “Speak to people according to their understanding and level of knowledge” (Al-Bukhari).

4. Demonstrate Cohesiveness, collaboration & Collective responsibility - One excellent example we heard was when a leader gave assurance to his team by openly declaring: “If anything goes wrong, it’s on me. I will take responsibility”.

5. Embrace "failure" as a part of a learning journey, not something to penalize or demonize others!

6. Keep things simple: Progress, not perfection - It’s more important to make iterative, strategic changes than revamp everything. Something I learnt: “Standardization” isn’t necessarily a great thing if it slows everyone down, or forces other teams to ascribe to things which aren’t applicable for them!

7. Don't get too distracted by the novelties of “new” innovative frontiers. Focus on Value and Prioritize with the big picture in mind: Don't allow "nice-to-haves" override the priority of our core jobs and the need to strengthen fundamentals first!

8. Determination, perseverance - Change is difficult; we will be facing a lot of pushback and resistance. That’s life. These are times when organizations need us to step up with the courage to act & be steadfast.
Bruce Lee once said, “Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”.
9. Think Sustainability: Set up systems, not just individuals - People will change. How will you set up solid working systems that continue to thrive, even if core team members change?

#innovation #humanbehavior #leadership

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