Saturday, October 24, 2020

Got plans this weekend? #StayAtHome #eMCO


Being #StuckAtHome isn’t an excuse to become a couch potato to kill time by binge-watching, social media and video games all day.

Time is the single most important resource that you will ever have in your lives.
All of the most important assets and achievements you will ever have: your wealth, your knowledge, your relationships, and all your righteous deeds – are the result of how you spent that time to grow and retain them in the first place.

Waste a bit of cash? Have some financial challenges? Use your TIME to find ways to recover them.

Gone off the rails with regards to your personal health? No problem; as long as you’re of normal health it’s proven that all you need are disciplined few weeks of healthy clean living to implement a good diet/exercise/sleep plan and your health can bounce back very quickly, masha Allah. Allah granted us with strong, versatile bodies:, alhamdulillah – all you need is your TIME and effort.

But unlike health and wealth, time that you waste can NEVER be recovered.

If you spend 2 hours watching a movie, watching five episodes of Stranger Things on Netflix, “just browsing” Instagram, or “just another round of PUBG”, that’s valuable capital gone forever, even if you cry tears of blood.
In fact, the time it takes for you to cry those tears of blood will also never come back.

That time is gone forever, written in your book of deeds, waiting to be presented to your Lord when you meet him on the Day of Judgment. So you really have to be honest and ask yourself: was that time well-spent?
Ibn Al-Qayyim said,
ضياع العمر أسوأ من الموت، فإن الموت يقطعك عن الدنيا، وضياع العمر يقطعك عن الآخرة!
“Wasting time is worse than death. Death separates you from this world, whereas wasting time separates you from Allah!”

Make use of our capital while we still have them. Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah (ﷺ) said,
نِعْمَتَانِ مَغْبُونٌ فِيهِمَا كَثِيرٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ، الصِّحَّةُ وَالْفَرَاغُ ‏
“Two blessings which most of mankind are cheated (i.e. fail to capitalize or make full use of when they still have them): good health and free time” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)

The term “Maghbun” which is translated as “cheated” in this context is usually used in the case of a business man who has capital and money, but because of poor management of funds, oversight, mistakes, he feels like he is “still okay”, but then he checks back and suddenly all that capital is gone.

So the businessman is cheated, deceived by what he thought he had!

The Prophet ﷺ here is saying, majority of mankind, when they have health and free time, they take it for granted and don’t truly benefit them. But when Allah takes away one of these two, people go into regretful, “wishful thinking” mode: “If only I had free time…”, “if I was healthy and strong, just watch me”.

But guess what happens when they get back their health and their free time?

Don’t be like majority of people. You better than that, my friend.
Don’t be cheated. Utilize your capital wisely. If you fail to plan how you use that capital, you plan to fail.

So yeah, anyway, about this weekend: Got plans?


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