Tuesday, February 15, 2022

"Everlasting Love" - Dr. Ali Albarghouthi, 13th February 2022


💎 Some gems, highlights and my favorite takeaway points from the talk:

1. When you are looking for your perfect love, one that grants you security and peace in every way, one that makes you truly really happy and optimistic about future, you are actually looking for the love of Allah, whether we realize it or not. Everything - and everyone - will eventually cease to exist, and the only constant is the love of Allah. Nobody stays. All of us are looking for that love that stays. This is the everlasting love

2. Live with this Principle: "Whatever Allah creates, He does so out of Love: Either because He loves it, or He loves its CONSEQUENCE".
EVERY TIME anything happens to you in life - good or 'bad', or any calamity - remember this point. It takes you out of the burden of responsibility and questioning "why". Just leave it to Allah, and put your trust in Him.

3. Remember that the people that you love - your spouse, your parents, your children, your friends - ultimately they are all from Allah. Ultimately Allah is the source of ALL of your Love, and then some!

Q: Sometimes we feel that worship feels like a burden, like a chore. How do we develop this love for Allah?
A: Anything worth doing in life, it has a price to pay. Whether you are studying, trying to lose weight, trying to get a job - it requires us to exert some effort. But ultimately, it's worth it.
If we recognize that the Love of Allah is our priority, then we will work for it. 
Even some of the righteous predecesors of the past, they admitted, that they were struggling to perform ibadah. But they stuck to it, over time, got used to it, and eventually, began loving it.
This is how we need to reshape our paradigm: Yes, sometimes there is some inconvenience or discomfort; but keep our eyes on the prize, the end in mind, stick to it and eventually you will taste the sweetness of Allah's Love. You will even taste the sweetness of the struggle. But you have to put in the effort to discover it.

Q: How do we love others when we ourselves don't feel loved?
A: If you put in the effort to obey Allah and worship Him, then this is in fact a sign that Allah Loves you.
The fact that you worship Allah - or even trying to do so - is a 100% sign that Allah loves you, even if you feel as if other human beings don't love you.
Secondly: if other people don't love me, that's okay. People are flawed. There are many people who don't love the Prophet Muhammad, in fact even hate him. Until today.

Q: How would you advise those who don't feel like they need the Love of Allah? They feel like their lives are perfectly fine without His Love. "So What?"
A: Whatever it is that is making your life "fine", it won't last. It will fade. It's fragile, finite. Sooner or later, it will go away. If you understand this reality and objectively accept this fact, then you will realize that the smart thing to do is to work towards something eternal; a source of happiness that will never cease. An Everlasting Love: the Love of Allah.

May Allah make us amongst those who Love Him, and among those whom He loves.

#thisislovetsp #fortruelove #everlastinglove #thestraightpath2022

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