Monday, June 17, 2024

Be patient; Perhaps your Greatest Legacy is yet to come - A Reflection on Ibrahim (alayhissalam)

 (rewrite from 2022 post) 

During the celebration Eid Al adha one figure is always mentioned: Prophet ibrahim

Many imams will mention about his sacrifice, on how it initiated a practice (sunnah) that lives on today, thousands of years later and continues to live on. 

For me, what inspires me most about Ibrahim is his Legacy. 

Allah says, in praise of Ibrahim:

إِنَّ إِبْرَهِيمَ كَانَ أُمَّةً قَـنِتًا لِلَّهِ حَنِيفًا وَلَمْ يَكُ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

“Verily, Ibrahim was (himself) an Ummah, obedient to Allah, a Hanif (monotheist), and he was not one of those who worship idols” (An-Nahl, 16:120)

In this ayah, Allah describes Ibrahim as an Ummah. This word, “أُمَّةً” literally means a nation, a community, a group, or a period in time. Although scholars of Tafsir mention that this means "imam", there is no other person in the Qur’an whom Allah refers to with this title of "ummah". His virtue as a community-builder was so great, that he was virtually a one-man nation.

The significance of this title can even be seen today, in the 21st century: As the common patriarch of the “Abrahamic religions”, Prophet Ibrahim is the most respected and loved human being on the planet today, which includes followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - covering over 55% of the world population today, in 2024:. That’s over 4 billion people today! 

Plot twist: he barely had any followers throughout his lifetime. 

When he was about to confront the tyrant Namrud (Nimrod), Ibrahim said to his wife, Sarah:

“O Sarah! There are no believers on the surface of the earth except you and I.” (Al-Bukhari)

That's right: Virtually zero followers. So, how was his legacy kept alive after all these centuries?

The legacy of Ibrahim was through his two sons: Prophets Ishaq and Ismail. It was through Prophet Ishaq – that sired the lineage of Israel (Ya’qub) and the entirety of the Children of Israel. And through Ismail, the final messenger: Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. 

His legacy spread AFTER his death. 

But to appreciate the legacy, let’s understand one level deeper: WHEN in his lifetime were his sons born?

In his book of tafsir, the scholar Ibn Kathir says:

Ismail was born when Ibrahim, was 86 years old, and Ishaq was born when Ibrahim was 99 years old. 


Be Patient. Focus on YOUR Efforts. Leave the Results to Allah.

Great things take time. Be patient, remain steadfast: Perhaps our greatest legacy is yet to come. 

Don’t be disheartened if our sincere efforts, seem to have no apparent results. Perhaps your biggest opportunities are ahead of you, and Allah is preparing you for that moment. Testing your sincerity. Allowing you to grow. You never know when your big break - your tipping point - will be gifted by Allah soon: in days, months, or years.

After all, Prophet Ibrahim had his “big break” - his first child - only when he was 86 years old. 

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