Monday, June 03, 2024

Muawiyah, family and friends go to Mulu - Day 2, Saturday 1 June 2024


After a surprisingly exciting encounter with a Grey-tailed Racer snake 🐍 at the Mulu National Park entrance, we started off our boat ride at 10:00am headed towards the Wind Cave and Clearwater Cave. 

We first stopped by the Batu Bungan Community market, where we had a blast by the Sumpit (blowpipe) shooting range 🎯 

Interesting sightings of the Lantern bug 🏮 and the One-Leaf plant 🍃

Note #1 to future self: National park is strict about leaving the cave premises by 1:30pm. So, if you start late, you eat into your exploring time - unfortunately by the time we finished the caves was close to 1:30 hence our group didn't get to swim in the clearwater streams. Maybe next time. 

Note #2 to future self: bring a camera with good night mode and zoom capabilities - it makes all the difference. 

The versatile features of the S24 camera really pulled its weight here.. Exceeded our expectations like a champ. Well done #TeamSamsung🏆

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