Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A sign of the sincere: Handling criticism like a champ

 Imam adh-Dhahab saidi: 

"The mark of a sincere person is that when they are criticized, they do not justify themselves but rather admit their faults and say, ‘May Allah have mercy on the one who gifts me my shortcomings.’"

[Siyar A'lam al-Nubala, 7/393]

Amazing profound advice. One of the signs of sincere people is that they have the maturity in character to accept constructive feedback and criticism like a champ. Through:

✅ Humility: instead of reacting defensively and justifying their behavior, sincere individuals recognize their imperfections, and because they prioritize self-improvement instead of defending their ego, that makes them open to constructive criticism. 


✅ Authenticity: because they demonstrate a genuine desire to learn and grow instead of presenting a facade of perfection, sincere individuals are able to reframe their perspective to see feedback as a gift - a mercy from Allah to send a messenger to help lift us up - instead of seeing it as an attack

✅ Wisdom: when a person keeps up this habit and grows, he is able to look back at the constructive criticisms he received in the past, have a greater appreciation of feedback as a gift, and therefore desires to also offer more "gifts" to others for the greater good. Compound awesomeness! 

May Allah make us among the people of sincerity! 

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